Support for VR Single-pass stereo

Full-scene Motion Blur for Unity Pro

Support for VR Single-pass stereo

Postby anollan » Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:20 am

Is there any plan to support single-pass stereo? I'm working on adapting our game to support it, and have most effects converted, but not amplify motion. I understand that motion blur isn't great for VR, but in this case, I'm using the motion buffer for other effects.

I just tested AM 1.8.1 with single-pass in an empty project, and it looks like the motion buffer is a bunch of undefined data.

Do you have plans to support Single-pass? If not, I will try to find another solution to this issue.
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Re: Support for VR Single-pass stereo

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Sat Oct 22, 2016 2:04 pm


Thank you for your interest, we really appreciate it. We are looking into possible solutions but, unfortunately, we currently can't guarantee that Amplify Motion will fully work with VR, with or without single-pass stereo. I will register your interest and contact you as soon as we have any updates.

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