Unity 5 Freezing on Play with Amplify Motion turned on.

Full-scene Motion Blur for Unity Pro

Unity 5 Freezing on Play with Amplify Motion turned on.

Postby anarcheril » Tue Jun 09, 2015 2:44 am

The title says it all, I can't seem to figure out what is causing this, I was having this issue when I first purchased amplify motion, and then it disappeared the next morning, and just now opening up unity, couple hours difference, no change in the files, it is doing this again. I press "play" with amplify motion camera script on my main and only camera, and Unity just stalls, I can "save" thank goodness, but I can't do anything else but close it. Very frustrating.
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Re: Unity 5 Freezing on Play with Amplify Motion turned on.

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:22 am


Thank you for your purchase, we really appreciate it. That’s an odd issue we have not experienced yet but we would be happy to help debug it. What U5 version do you currently use and what is your current build target? Does it hang on a new project?

Do you happen to be instantiating large amounts of objects when you first run your scene?

You should definitely get in touch at [email protected] with your invoice number, we will forward you the latest build not yet available in the Unity Asset Store.

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