Amplify shaders within Octane for Unity?

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Amplify shaders within Octane for Unity?

Postby sean77 » Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:18 pm

I am trying to find a way to use Amplify Shader in Octane for Unity... As far as i can see Octane for Unity doesn't support Amplify Materials, as objects with an amplify material appear invisible in octane for unity but standard unity materials display fine. I was just wondering if there is a way to make a change to the Amplify Output node in order to get the materials to display in octane? Praying for future support if not. Thanks!
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Re: Amplify shaders within Octane for Unity?

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:04 pm


Thank you for your interest, we really appreciate it!

Does Octane support Standard Unity shaders or modified shaders based on the Standard variants included with Unity? We're not entirely familiar with its requirements but if Surface Shaders work well so should the ones generated by ASE.

In any case, should you be interested, you can actually create your own shader types using our flexible Template System.

Looking forward to your reply!
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