Hi, I have a workflow question. I work with Unity 4.6.0f3 and AT2 and Skyshop 1.10.1.
I have an building exported as an FBX from Maya 2015 with separate shaders assigned to different elements like wood, bricks, windows, metal etc. The windows have a small logo assigned to it like a restaurant name.
Now I want to have the glass transparant and reflective (depending on angle) at the same time just like real glass would do and the logo to be opaque. But because the model is 1 object and the glass part is on multiple udims, I have no option but to use AT2 for this object. And ofcourse, next to that I want it also to interact with the HDR from Skyshop.
That leaves me with the cutout shaders but when I use those, the details I have as half transparant dirt on the glass becomes really hard. Should I solve this some way with the layers or do I really have to break up the mesh and have the windows totally separate? The ideal thing would be if I could just paint some opacity/transparancy maps in Mari but I have the idea it's not really that easy...
Any help would be appreciated.. Thanks!