Thanks for your quick answer !
I'm trying to achieve good looking smoke that is coming out of the tailpipe of a car, without transparency.
So I've started by creating a sphere in blender from a cube, to have a better vertex layout than the sphere from Unity.
But I had trouble making a good UV on it (I'm kinda noob in blender), so I had the idea to go with triplanar shading for the noise alphacut texture.
This texture will determine the alphacut during the particle lifetime. I'm already using the vertex color from the particles to handle the cutout animation.
The issue with triplanar (either the built-in node or my implementation) is that it will be based on world vertex positions.
It makes the noise staying in world position while the particles are moving up, which is a pretty bad result for me. So I wanted to have object space triplanar mapping instead of world.
Which came to the issue I had with world particle position, so I can subtract by it to obtain object local position.
The result will be quite similar to this: with triplanar noise mapping, because I can't make correct UVs
And I've always wanted to understand how to retrieve custom data from the particle system, so it's a good way to learn from it
Thanks again, will post the progress/result if any.