Hello - Having more trouble in this vein, not sure if I should reply here but I don't want to make excess threads. I apologize if this has more to do with unity lighting knowledge in general and less specifically with Amplify Shader editor, but I've spent about 3 days banging my head against this problem without being able to solve it.
My ultimate goal is to make a shader where point lights "paint" a light color onto the object, which is flatly lit, and the blending between this light color and the object's texture is controlled by the intensity determined by a ramp gradient (pushed through the dither node).
I accomplished the first part,
however - it only works properly with one light. Each additional light runs the shader an additional time, adding the colors together, making them progressively brighter.
I suspect the answer lies in separating the "Base texture" part of the shader from the "lighting" part shader (since they are both piped in through custom lighting). I am unsure how to accomplish this while also maintaining an object with 1:1 colors on the texture, and unblended colors on the light spot.
Is there a way to calculate all of the point lights in one go? Or, a way to have a flat-lit object like in an unlit shader that is still able to be affected by custom lighting?
If this is beyond the scope of Amplify Shader Editor and I should figure it out elsewhere I apologize, thanks for your time.
My shader so far: