Tiddan wrote:Hi. Attached is a screenshot of WIP shader for hologram models.
Sometimes I see hologram shaders that are semi-transparent but you cannot see the complexity on the other side of the model even though their faces are front-facing.
This guy (
https://forum.unity.com/threads/transpa ... ts.149511/) has solved the same problem in ShaderLab code but how can I achieve this same effect using ASE?
Sorry for probably a pretty basic question.
Thank you for getting in touch, we would be happy to help. The overlapping transparency result is expected, you will have to add additional code in order to mitigate the problem. Having a shader that fills in the depth buffer before rendering transparency might be enough to resolve the issue.
Try adding the following after "SubShader {"
Pass {
ZWrite On
ColorMask 0
Unfortunately, ASE currently does not offer you any options to create multi-pass shaders, you will have to alter the actual generated file. Please keep in mind that any code changes made to the shader file will be discarded when saving the shader in ASE.
Apologies for the inconvenience.