Hello ePiQue, thank you for getting in touch and for your support!
Unfortunately, it's not possible to generate random values within a shader, but there are a few solutions you may use to bypass this limitation.
You may generate random numbers via script and pass them to the shader through global variables, please check our Smear sample which makes use of that feature at AmplifyShaderEditor/Examples/Official/Smear.
To give a feeling of randomness, it's common to use the vertices object or world position with time to drive a series of basic wave functions like
Sin and
Cos, the Bubble sample at AmplifyShaderEditor/Examples/Official/ReflectRefractSoapBubble is a suitable example.
Lastly, take a look at our
Noise Generator node, even though it's a bit expensive it can also be useful for this use.
Please let us know if this information helped you out, thanks!