Hi, I want to make a simple darkening shader for unity built-in projector. But it works very weirdly, sometimes after compilation, everything is good. But now I made some changes and then reverted them back, hit "Compile button" and shader goes full black. Here is node tree and shot video:
Node tree - https://prnt.sc/hh3vpv
Video - https://youtu.be/tqr6Eek6Eyg
For some reason, when I changed the blending mode from premultiplied to custom (without changing actual parameters) it started working properly. From this https://prnt.sc/hh80yr to this https://prnt.sc/hh816x
But now I need to make PBR version of this, and I have the same issue again http://prntscr.com/hh83yj and result https://prnt.sc/hh84fe