dixitalgorismi wrote:it seems like the triangles count is doubled and sometimes even bigger when I use Amplify Motion.
This is because the effect requires a depth pre-pass, similar the SSAO effect, to work properly. When you enable the AM effect, it'll most likely double because of the pre-pass alone, plus a few more draw calls for every moving object.
dixitalgorismi wrote:Is there any way to reduce the number of tris in the scene. Like very selectively adding the AmplifyMotionComponent to the gameobjects that don't need motion blur?
Yes. Here's how to do it:
1) You disable "Auto Register Objs" on Amplify Motion Effect attached to your camera.
2) Add an Amplify Motion Object script to any objects or prefabs you want to receive the effect. This will allow you to register objects manually. Unregistered objects will then be ignored.
Hope this helps.