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PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 6:25 pm
by pez_86

I've been searching around to see if amplify shader editor can do a fur shader, & it looks like it's in the works, but I'm not sure what method is being used for it & am just wandering if the framework exists already to do shells (polygon lamination).

I don't actually need it for fur however, I saw this blog post about how they're using it to create the painted effect which is basically what I'm trying to achieve - & thought the results looked so great that I'd try including it to my existing painted shader.

Anyone know if this is possible in the shader editor?


Re: Shells

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:43 am
by Amplify_Borba
Hello, thank you for getting in touch!

Unfortunately, it's not yet possible to achieve this sort of effect, apologies for the inconvenience.

Hopefully we can support it in the future!

Please let me know if you have any further questions, I'll be happy to help!