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Trying to get a grainy shading falloff look

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:15 pm
by Petey
Hi there,

I’ve been trying to create a shader that has a grainy look as the light falls off, to give a bit of an illustrated feel but I’m a little stuck with how to approach it. I’ve been looking at the examples and I thought maybe the ones with that sort of dither effect could be a good start. Maybe that, applied to a falloff?
Just wondering is something like this possible? If so any pointers would be great ;)


E58E197A-D981-4A0F-A79A-3BD4E6156AA2.jpeg (124.2 KiB) Viewed 2957 times

Re: Trying to get a grainy shading falloff look

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:27 am
by Amplify_Borba
Hello, thank you for getting in touch!

We apologize for the late reply, our ASE team was present in Unite Berlin during the last week so support has been very limited.

Regarding your question, I would advise that you use a Custom Lighting shader and a noise texture together with our Dither node.

I'm attaching an example screenshot and shader that you can use as a starting point, for your convenience:

(2.94 KiB) Downloaded 387 times

Please let me know if this helps, thanks!