I wonder if Amplify2 supports user created caches/mappings, means Amplify1 only supports 2 mappings for _MainColor.rgba and _BumpMap.rgba. There is no way to add extra mappings/textures, since the Shared.cginc directly works with the hardcoded names VTSampleBase(), VTSampleNormal() and _VTDiffuseCache/_VTNormalCache.
Since additional mappings would behave the same way, we would like the ability to define extra mappings. Shader support could be added by either using #defines/includes where extra names are mapped/defined or by using some default naming convention like:
VTSampleBase1(), VTSampleBase2(), VTSampleBase3(), VTSampleBase4(): to support a max. of 4 Base mappings.
uniform sampler2D _VTDiffuseCache1;
uniform sampler2D _VTDiffuseCache2;
uniform sampler2D _VTDiffuseCache3;
uniform sampler2D _VTDiffuseCache4;
Alternative some preprocessor magic:
#define DefineTextureMapping(idx) \
uniform sampler2D _VTDiffuseCache##idx; \
inline float4 VTSampleBase##idx( VirtualCoord vcoord ) {....}
So basically allow a more dynamic setup, if additional mappings are needed.
bye Andy