Does amplify support 2d top-down reflective shader?

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Does amplify support 2d top-down reflective shader?

Postby VictoriaMac » Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:34 pm

I'm trying to create water reflection for a 2d top-down based game. Does amplify provide support to create a shader like this that works based on sort order/sort layer?

Essentially I need it to mirror 2d sprites with y flipped. Likewise, it should only reflect a selected sort layer and reflection should only apply on non-transparent pixels on the reflection sprite renderer.
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Re: Does amplify support 2d top-down reflective shader?

Postby Amplify_Borba » Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:06 am

Hello VictoriaMac, thank you for getting in touch.

Although ASE does not provide any pre-made functions along those lines, it could probably be done through the development of a custom Shader Template, and it would likely involve some additional scripting as well, depending on the implementation of this effect.
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