I'm struggling figuring out the right output node settings to make a shader that is affected by the uGUI CanvasGroup components Alpha value.
If I setup a scene with a uGUI Canvas that has a CanvasGroup component and has a child gameobject with an Image component on it I can change its material to "Sprites-Default" or "Default-Particle". Afterwards I can modify the alpha on the parent objects CanvasGroup component and see a transparency effect.
I tried downloading the official Unity sample shaders and examining "Particle Alpha Blend.shader". In the Amplify Shader Editor I tried changing the sub-shader's Blend Mode for alpha to "Alpha Blend", but it doesn't have the same result as the default shaders. I'm guessing it's because the Unity shader has a "Category" section defining the Blend rather than in the SubShader?
Is there any way I can recreate the CanvasGroup alpha blend that works in the default Unity shaders with the Amplify Shader editor?