I found this problem where I can see my shader working in my canvas but Unity is throwing me error and only displays
a white plane in the scene.
Here is a gif of what I see in the Canvas:
Here is the error:
And here is the code:
- Code: Select all
void surf( Input i , inout SurfaceOutput o )
float temp_output_42_0 = i.uv_texcoord.x;
float4 tex2DNode1 = tex2D( _TextureSample0, ( i.uv_texcoord + (0.0 + (sin( ( ( temp_output_42_0 + _Time.y ) * 2.0 * 6,28318548202515 ) ) - -1.0) * (0.02 - 0.0) / (1.0 - -1.0)) ) );
o.Emission = tex2DNode1.rgb;
o.Alpha = ( tex2DNode1.a * (-4.0 + (( temp_output_42_0 - _Float0 ) - -1.0) * (4.0 - -4.0) / (1.0 - -1.0)) );
Hopefully the problem comes from me and not the pluggin. I'll find a way around it, but I prefer to give feedback just in case .