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Recompile shader containing updated function.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:52 am
by JeanSmall
Hi Amplifiers!

Here's an issue I am struggling with: our artists use functions, which is very practical, but when the function is updated, you have to manually go to the shaders that use this function and update then as well to recompile them with the updated function.

I understand why this is standard behaviour, in order to not break already made shaders that were designed with a function made at a certain time. However, if an artist works with a set of shaders, that use a function made for let's say blending, everytime the function is changed it becomes painful to update this set of shaders.

Is there a way via the API or a menu I haven't found yet to force the re-evaluation and recompilation of a defined set of shaders?


Re: Recompile shader containing updated function.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:30 pm
by Amplify_Borba
Hello, thank you for getting in touch and for your support!

We totally understand that this can be a cumbersome process, and we apologize for that.

There have been a few requests regarding this and we have plans to find a solution, perhaps a tool of some sort that would go through all shaders and recompile them without users having to manually and individually open and compile them in order to update shader functions / templates.

Unfortunately, there's no other alternative other than to compile each shader manually for now, but we'll be sure to keep you posted as soon as have any developments regarding this.

Please let us know if you have any further questions or feedback.