argenzio wrote:Hello Ricardo
Yes, painting on vertex could produce similar result. No height accurate but similar.
You don't want paint Vertex Weights? This shader was made specifically for that purpose, you might need a different solution.
argenzio wrote:But the limitation on this technique shows herself when using Heightmap input as Tesselation and POM.About your example shader "HeightBlendLayertest" i have simply added Tessellation as in Screenshot.
Not a limitation per-say, it was not made for that purpose. However, with a few adjustment your should be able to add tessellation. You will have to manually setup how you want to blend the heightmaps, don't connect the current output shown in your screenshot, those values are not suitable.
argenzio wrote:Above all I thank you for the time you are dedicating and sorry if I am so insistent.
But for me, having the ability to blend material by Heightmap, Paint, and the possibility to use in conjunction of Tesselation and POM... could be a real revolution in the environment creation.
No problem at all, we are always happy to help. Unfortunately, we are a small team, we're unable to take on complex shader requests immediately. However, we do register all user contacts in regards to new samples, I'll definitely add a note for this specific use.
argenzio wrote:Both for my work (architecture visualization), but expecially in level design for gaming.
There are many solution available.. but all of them are "closed". Having the ability to make it in Amplify and modify it as needed... really get me excited.
We understand, that's why we offer full source code.
I'm familiar with the sample, you might be able to replicate it in ASE. Their height node is a Material Function, double-clicking it will reveal the used node network.
Alternatively, check the included simple Height Based Blending node.
That said, you can add tessellation by manually defining how the HeightMap textures are blended, will this work for you?