Shader editor hotkeys

Node-based Shader Editor

Shader editor hotkeys

Postby sethhall » Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:54 pm


Are there hotkeys available for building a shader? Having to click the build button so frequently gets very redundant over time. I refrain from using auto build because it tends to slow things down if i'm changing tons of stuff at once. Instead, is it possible to assign a hotkey to build the shader?

Also, if I am changing a shader function and building it. I have to always rebuild the current shader that is using it to see the update. Is there a way to build the function and have automatically reflect the change downstream without also having to go to the parent shader it resides in and also building that?


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Re: Shader editor hotkeys

Postby Amplify_Borba » Thu Feb 14, 2019 11:19 am

Hello! You can use CTRL + S to compile the shader rather than using the Live Shader Update toggle or clicking the Compile button.

Regarding Shader Functions, we understand that this can be a cumbersome process, and we apologize for that.

There have been a few requests regarding this and we have plans to find a solution, perhaps a tool of some sort that would go through all shaders and recompile them without users having to manually and individually open and compile them in order to update shader functions / templates.

Unfortunately, there's no other alternative other than to compile each shader manually for now, but we'll be sure to keep you posted as soon as have any developments regarding this.
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