I am using bakery, which is a lightmapping plugin for unity. One of it's features is to provide vertex-color Lightmaps.
But those need to be supported inside of shaders.
I wanted to ask how I can have those supported in my ASE shaders.
here is the reply I got from the author of bakery
you can take a look at ftSimpleVertexLM.shader included in Bakery. This is a simplest unlit shader using vertex lightmaps, so should be easy to understand how it works.
Basically you just read vertex color and decode using this formula:
// Decode baked HDR vertex color (RGBM)
o.color = v.color.rgb * v.color.a * 8.0;
o.color *= o.color;
o.color can be now used as final lighting value.
any chance you guys can support this inside of ase as well?