I'm new to Amplify Shader Editor, and with this tool I'm trying to make a transparent shader that write into the Z-Buffer (that is not possible with standard Unity shaders).
I did a test with a simple radial gradient texture, using "Alpha Test" for Render Queue (because with Render Queue set to Transparent the shader do not write to the Z-Buffer), with these settings:
The result into the scene of this shader is this one (the colored circles):
As you can see the transparency is not the best, but it's not a big problem.
The real problem is the Z-Buffer, that look like that (in this picture I've hided the box surrounding the circles):
It seem to me that the shader create a very low resolution Z pass, or something like that...
I'm pretty sure that it's not an issue of my texture because it's 2048x2048.
Is it possible to get a reasonably "smooth" Z pass?
Many thanks!