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Single Pass Stereo in Unity 2017.2

PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:48 am
by Lucas_Luminous4D
I recently switched my project from unity 5.6.1 to 2017.2 and with single pass stereo on the amplify bloom shader is not adding any bloom. In the editor with the bloom debug setting I can see the normal bloom, but when I press play all the boom is gone. Just a black screen.

Re: Single Pass Stereo in Unity 2017.2

PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:56 am
by Amplify_Borba
Lucas_Luminous4D wrote:I recently switched my project from unity 5.6.1 to 2017.2 and with single pass stereo on the amplify bloom shader is not adding any bloom. In the editor with the bloom debug setting I can see the normal bloom, but when I press play all the boom is gone. Just a black screen.

Hello Lucas!

Thank you for getting in touch and for reporting this issue, as discussed via Unity Forum and email, we're going to investigate it and report back as soon as possible.