Amplify Bloom - Unity 2018.3 HDRP

Industry Level Post-Process Bloom

Amplify Bloom - Unity 2018.3 HDRP

Postby zeekindustries » Wed Jan 23, 2019 10:27 pm

Hey guys!

I wanted to know if Amplify Bloom works within the new 2018.3 update and the HDRP/LWRP
We've been trying to find a solution for professional flares and glares and just wanted to confirm if Amplify Bloom would be compatible with the new rendering system.

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Amplify Bloom - Unity 2018.3 HDRP

Postby Amplify_Borba » Fri Jan 25, 2019 3:23 pm

Hello, thank you for getting in touch and for your interest!

Unfortunately, Amplify Bloom does not currently support Unity's new Scriptable Rendering Pipelines, porting our image effects to SRP would demand a considerable amount of work so we can't offer any sort of estimates.

It should work with Unity 2018.3 using the core pipeline, and you can also download a fully functional trial version should you wish to test it.

Please let us know if you have any further questions, we'll be happy to assist.
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