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Error with AT1 (AT2 MultiCam) [SOLVED]

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 12:26 am
by mickyg
Hi Amplify

I had this issue with the devbuild of AT2 as well, but now it is occuring for me on an AT1 project.

Following the instructions, everything is fine until step 5. When I change an existing material to an Amplify texture (or use the pre-built Create - Virtual Material option), there is no 'loading' process - the texture just goes black.

Then when I hit 'play', it gives one error and one warning.


[AmplifyTexture] Missing page file. Should be at: *insert file path here*

AmplifyTexture.ErrorHandler:ErrorShutdown(Exception, Boolean)


[AmplifyTexture] The AmplifyTextureManager was disabled, re-enabling it will please re-enable it once any issues are resolved.
AmplifyTexture.ErrorHandler:ErrorShutdown(Exception, Boolean)

Can you advise what might be causing this error? It's like it can't find the page file so it can't create the virtual texture or something?

I should note that the folder it's looking for does exist and has things in it - plus, if I change the cache folder in the settings to a whole new folder it repeats the error.

I'm not sure if it is related to the fact that my project is copied from an earlier project? Even so, I delete the whole Amplify Texture asset and re-do it from scratch and it still occurs.



Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:13 pm
by Diogo Teixeira
Hi Michael,

What version of Unity are you running? All this happens in editor mode, right?


Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:20 pm
by mickyg
Hi Diogo, I'm running 4.5.1f3.

And yep, this is in-editor. Actually, when I first change the texture to an amplify/diffuse, it applies the checkerboard material.

It's not until after I hit 'Play' that it changes to black (in Play mode and then it stays black in the editor after that).

Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:52 pm
by Diogo Teixeira
mickyg wrote:Hi Diogo, I'm running 4.5.1f3.

And yep, this is in-editor. Actually, when I first change the texture to an amplify/diffuse, it applies the checkerboard material.

It's not until after I hit 'Play' that it changes to black (in Play mode and then it stays black in the editor after that).

Forgot to ask: are you on OSX? If so I'll have to make you a new build.

Otherwise, if you're on Windows, any chance you can update to 4.5.2 and try this version?

Please let me know if the problem still occurs in this version. If so, I'll add it as a high priority task for v203a12.

Lots of improvements and bugfixes went to this one. Also, keep in mind this is a pre-release. The only things missing before devbuild3 is complete are a small bugfix for auto-builds (called way too often still), and proper Alloy Material Map support. We can input regular maps but not their custom texture type, unless it's an actual image without their suffix.

This version as a TON of changes since devbuild2 so you might want to delete any previous versions.

Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:12 pm
by mickyg
Thanks very much Diogo, I'll update Unity and try the AT version you linked to (I'm on PC).

I might not get around to it until Monday, so I'll post up my results then.

Thanks for your help.

Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 11:35 pm
by Diogo Teixeira
mickyg wrote:Thanks very much Diogo, I'll update Unity and try the AT version you linked to (I'm on PC).

I might not get around to it until Monday, so I'll post up my results then.

Thanks for your help.

No worries, take your time! Cheers

Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:04 am
by mickyg
Hi Diogo, after a bit of trial and error I have it working with the latest build, so thanks very much.

One thing I've noticed - my project has multiple cameras that can be switched to dynamically. If I add all 4 cameras to the AT Manager, it actually only works on one camera. They all have the Amplify Texture Runtime script added, but the virtual texture looks black in the scene for all cameras except for one.

I'd love to know how to get this to work on multiple cameras.


Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 2:07 am
by Diogo Teixeira
mickyg wrote:Hi Diogo, after a bit of trial and error I have it working with the latest build, so thanks very much.

That's great news! I wonder what was happening, though? Maybe an explanation could help other users experiencing the same issues. Or maybe there's a bug waiting to be fixed.

mickyg wrote:One thing I've noticed - my project has multiple cameras that can be switched to dynamically. If I add all 4 cameras to the AT Manager, it actually only works on one camera. They all have the Amplify Texture Runtime script added, but the virtual texture looks black in the scene for all cameras except for one.

I'd love to know how to get this to work on multiple cameras.

It's as easy as you've set it up. Unfortunately, however, multiple camera support is currently broken.

I'll get them fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for taking time to give this build a shot.

Very close to devbuild3!


Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:21 pm
by mickyg
Thanks Diogo.

I don't really know what I did differently - it took a few tries (deleting the plugin from the scene, reloading and going through the steps, rebuilding and updating etc) before it started working - I can't really put my finger on why I couldn't get it to work unfortunately. I got a few different errors relating to the cache and something not being an instance of something (sorry, I should have noted it down), but now that it works it seems to consistently work even when changing parameters.

It's unfortunate about multiple cameras. I don't want to be that guy that hassles you for release dates, but I am hoping that it is something that might be fixed in the next few weeks :D Either way though, we are getting great mileage out of your plugin so I won't be too pushy! I might be able to get around the problem by creating an additional camera looking down at the virtual texture with the plugin applied (and remove it from the others), so it loads all the texture at the start of the scene.

Re: Error with AT1

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:27 pm
by mickyg
mickyg wrote:I might be able to get around the problem by creating an additional camera looking down at the virtual texture with the plugin applied (and remove it from the others), so it loads all the texture at the start of the scene.

Well, that didn't work very good at all :)

I didn't really think about it, but it kinda defeats the purpose of the plugin - it streamed in a large chunk of the texture at once and killed the frame rate!