Hello all,
I just purchased Amplify Color to work on some new projects and I can't seem to get it working at all. Some specs:
Windows 7x64
Unity 4.6.3f1 (Free version)
Photoshop CS6
Just to test and play around with AC, I opened up Angry Bots, imported AC, and then configured everything in Photoshop and in the AC Settings window. I hit Test Connection and everything is working.
Then I go to the Photoshop tab and, keeping all the defaults, hit the Send screenshot to Photoshop button. The Status says Sent, but in the console, I get an error that says, "Trying to read pixel out of bounds." When I go to Photoshop, I see a gray image with 32 boxes in the upper left with various color variations. No screenshot from Angry Bots at all. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong and no amount of searching pulled up the error message I'm getting. Please assist.
*Edit to include I use the free version of Unity