Aborted abnormally long Async Skin deform operation.

Full-scene Motion Blur for Unity Pro

Aborted abnormally long Async Skin deform operation.

Postby Ony » Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:49 pm

I get this warning a lot while in the Editor. I'm using Unity 4.x Pro. The warning comes up every time I run the game in the Editor. Not sure if it does it in a build, but I'll look at output logs if needed. Anyway, it says to please contact support, so here I am. :)

Code: Select all
[AmplifyMotion] Aborted abnormally long Async Skin deform operation. Not a critical error but might indicate a problem. Please contact support.
AmplifyMotion.SkinnedState:WaitForAsyncUpdate() (at Assets/AmplifyMotion/Plugins/SkinnedState.cs:402)
AmplifyMotion.SkinnedState:RenderVectors(Camera, Single) (at Assets/AmplifyMotion/Plugins/SkinnedState.cs:413)
AmplifyMotionObjectBase:OnRenderVectors(Camera, Single) (at Assets/AmplifyMotion/Plugins/AmplifyMotionObjectBase.cs:202)
AmplifyMotionCamera:RenderVectors(Single) (at Assets/AmplifyMotion/Plugins/AmplifyMotionCamera.cs:201)
AmplifyMotionEffectBase:OnPostRender() (at Assets/AmplifyMotion/Plugins/AmplifyMotionBase.cs:772)

Any ideas?
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Re: Aborted abnormally long Async Skin deform operation.

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:19 pm


Thank you for getting in touch, we really appreciate it. It would be great to get some additional data in order to debug possible problems.

-Unity version used.
-Is the issue specific to a character model?
-Do you use the “Optimize Game Objects” option available in the RIG tab of your character model?
-Any visible issues with the blur effect?

Looking forward to any additional info you might be able to provide, thanks!
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