edit GI terms

Node-based Shader Editor

edit GI terms

Postby sschoellhammer » Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:04 am

Hello there,

I need to adjust the indirect diffuse term that is used in the Standard surface light function. ( I want to add saturation to the color) What would be the best way to achieve this with Amplify Shader Editor?

I know about the indirect diffuse light node and I can change its color as I need but I don't know how to use it from there on.

I see you can provide custom gi via:
inline void LightingStandardCustomLighting_GI( inout SurfaceOutputCustomLightingCustom s, UnityGIInput data, inout UnityGI gi )
s.GIData = data;
in a unity surface shader.

Is this exposed somewhere in ASE?

Thanks so much!
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Re: edit GI terms

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:31 pm

sschoellhammer wrote:Hello there,
I need to adjust the indirect diffuse term that is used in the Standard surface light function. ( I want to add saturation to the color) What would be the best way to achieve this with Amplify Shader Editor?
I know about the indirect diffuse light node and I can change its color as I need but I don't know how to use it from there on.
I see you can provide custom gi via:
inline void LightingStandardCustomLighting_GI( inout SurfaceOutputCustomLightingCustom s, UnityGIInput data, inout UnityGI gi )
s.GIData = data;
in a unity surface shader.
Is this exposed somewhere in ASE?
Thanks so much!


It's not exposed, could be quite complex to do so. Can you share additional information on what you intend to achieve? We're having some difficulty understanding what you're going for.

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Re: edit GI terms

Postby sschoellhammer » Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:45 pm

Hello there,

thanks for replying! Well I want to do what I wrote :) - I want to boost the saturation of the indirect lighting in the scene to fake more bounce color.
Sadly you can't do that when actually generating/baking the light information. (all Unity lets you do is increase the amount of indirect light but that doesn't have the effect we want).

A workaround for us is to increase the saturation of all the textures in the scene for when we bake but that's quiet a bit of hassle. If you have an idea if you can muck with the SH data in the probes I'd love to hear it too - that would be the best option of all. Changing things like intensity are easy there (just multiplying coefficients..) but applying saturation I couldn't manage so far.. :/

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Re: edit GI terms

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:12 pm

sschoellhammer wrote:Hello there,

thanks for replying! Well I want to do what I wrote :) - I want to boost the saturation of the indirect lighting in the scene to fake more bounce color.
Sadly you can't do that when actually generating/baking the light information. (all Unity lets you do is increase the amount of indirect light but that doesn't have the effect we want).

A workaround for us is to increase the saturation of all the textures in the scene for when we bake but that's quiet a bit of hassle. If you have an idea if you can muck with the SH data in the probes I'd love to hear it too - that would be the best option of all. Changing things like intensity are easy there (just multiplying coefficients..) but applying saturation I couldn't manage so far.. :/


No problem, happy to help.

Thank you for elaborating, we really appreciate it. Unfortunately, this is a bit out of the scope of our editor, and the support forum, I'm not sure that we can assist you in this specific issue.

Manipulating the probe info might not be the ideal approach but, as I mentioned above, this is a bit beyond our scope. I would recommend posting on the Unity forum, you will likely get more replies there.

Thank you for understanding.
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