I've currently been spending too much time on this, so I seriously need some help.
What I'm doing is using the distance between the vector 4 origin point ( and world position surface data X and Z axis, to either render or not render pixels.
However, I want to be able to rotate the object on its Y axis, and retain its cut-off shape relative to the rotation.
What happens now the square remains anchored to X and Z actions of world space, and I simply can't get that to rotate with it accordingly.
Also, I can't use Vertex Position instead of World position node, as this shader will be used by several objects that need to be masked to the same shape, with the same border and etc.
Hope this explains better:
Here is the visual composer of the shader:
Edit: Can't seem to attach the shader, but if you need more info, lemme know. I'm pretty new to programming and shaders in general, so I apologize for all the reduntant nodes and loops probably in there.