Substance Files not Working

Node-based Shader Editor

Substance Files not Working

Postby JBT27 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:04 pm

If I drag a Substance into an ASE shader graph, I get a message that it is converted, and a blank graph called Standard is opened, but nothing else, except this info:

Convertion complete. Old data will be lost when saving it
AmplifyShaderEditor.AmplifyShaderEditorWindow:ShowMessageImmediately(String, MessageSeverity) (at Assets/AmplifyShaderEditor/Plugins/Editor/Menu/AmplifyShaderEditorWindow.cs:3901)
AmplifyShaderEditor.AmplifyShaderEditorWindow:ShowMessage(String, MessageSeverity, Boolean) (at Assets/AmplifyShaderEditor/Plugins/Editor/Menu/AmplifyShaderEditorWindow.cs:3885)
AmplifyShaderEditor.UIUtils:ShowMessage(String, MessageSeverity, Boolean) (at Assets/AmplifyShaderEditor/Plugins/Editor/Utils/UIUtils.cs:2140)
AmplifyShaderEditor.AmplifyShaderEditorWindow:ConvertShaderToASE(Shader) (at Assets/AmplifyShaderEditor/Plugins/Editor/Menu/AmplifyShaderEditorWindow.cs:392)
AmplifyShaderEditor.AmplifyShaderEditorWindow:OnValidObjectsDropped(Object[]) (at Assets/AmplifyShaderEditor/Plugins/Editor/Menu/AmplifyShaderEditorWindow.cs:2423)
AmplifyShaderEditor.DragAndDropTool:TestDragAndDrop(Rect) (at Assets/AmplifyShaderEditor/Plugins/Editor/Menu/DragAndDropTool.cs:39)
AmplifyShaderEditor.AmplifyShaderEditorWindow:HandleGUIEvents() (at Assets/AmplifyShaderEditor/Plugins/Editor/Menu/AmplifyShaderEditorWindow.cs:2743)
AmplifyShaderEditor.AmplifyShaderEditorWindow:OnGUI() (at Assets/AmplifyShaderEditor/Plugins/Editor/Menu/AmplifyShaderEditorWindow.cs:4293)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

I have not tried this before, but it seems like this is not the expected behaviour. Can you help please?

Using Unity 2018.1.0f2 with ASE 1.5.3 dev01.
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Re: Substance Files not Working

Postby Amplify_Borba » Wed Jun 06, 2018 5:43 pm

Hello, thank you for getting in touch!

Unfortunately, we're not providing support for Substance in Unity 2018 just yet, however, it should work with 2017.

If rolling back to 2017 is a possibility, we provide a Substance sample that you may check out, available in the AmplifyShaderEditor > Examples > Official > Substance folder.

Unrelated to your post but still an important matter, I've noticed that you're a few builds behind the latest version, please update by downloading the latest ASE build from our website.

Be sure to let us know if you run into any issues, we'll be happy to assist!
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Re: Substance Files not Working

Postby JBT27 » Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:12 pm

Ah right - thanks for responding. Hopefully 2018 support will be fairly soon. I could backtrack, but in this case, it's as straightforward to import bitmaps.

Odd on the build - that's the absolute latest I got off the Asset Store. But I will use your link in future.

Many thanks.
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Re: Substance Files not Working

Postby Amplify_Borba » Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:24 am

No problem, thank you for understanding!

For clarification purposes, since we have a fast iteration rate, releasing sometimes a few builds over the course of a week, not every build makes it into the Asset Store, as it can take a while before they are approved and made available. For this reason, we end up pushing new builds after adding a considerable amount of fixes and improvements, at least once a week, or if we add a critical fix.

We often advise users to check our website periodically in order to ensure that they're always getting the latest build.

Also, to further elaborate on my previous reply, we are dependent on the new Substance plugin but we're also in touch with the Substance devs, so we'll be sure to add support as soon as possible.

Please let me know if you have any further questions, thanks!
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Re: Substance Files not Working

Postby JBT27 » Thu Jun 07, 2018 12:00 pm

Thanks for explaining - appreciated. I've bookmarked the download page now, and that's where I'll get my updates from now on.

Substance is my core texture generation tool, as with many folk now I guess, so being able to work with that in Unity, and ultimately in ASE, is a very big deal, and I'm looking forward to when you have that included in ASE for Unity 2018.x.

But I'd prefer it right, rather than right now, so always content to wait :D
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Re: Substance Files not Working

Postby Amplify_Borba » Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:58 pm

We're looking forward to support Substance as well, stay tuned for updates!
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Re: Substance Files not Working

Postby Jazz » Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:54 pm

Do we have any updates on this one? I'm also using ASE with Substances and would appreciate updated Substance support for Unity 2018.
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Re: Substance Files not Working

Postby Amplify_Borba » Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:22 am

Hello! Unfortunately we don't have any official ETA to share regarding Substance support yet, apologies for the inconvenience.
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