Shader Acting Different in Build (possible bug?)

Node-based Shader Editor

Shader Acting Different in Build (possible bug?)

Postby dallasglowka » Wed Mar 21, 2018 4:01 pm

I have a shader that calculates emission based on how far each vertex is away from a certain point (GlowPosition).

Node Network:

Nothing too complicated. I'm an entry level technical artist and have only about a year of shader experience but I don't think I'm doing anything wrong (someone correct me if that's not the case). The shader functions as intended in editor and play mode but acts strange in builds.

I have several crystals with identical materials using the shader that flicker from being correct to being a flat color. It seems to be dependent on the angle from which you're looking but also just kind of random. By rotating around a crystal you can make it switch from being correctly shaded to being just a flat color (most of the time).

Image of problem:

I am using the lastest version of Amplify Shader Editor (1.5.0). Tested on both a Windows and Linux build. I can provide additional information if needed.

Definately seems like a bug to me but I'm open to any suggestion! I'm out of ideas.
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Re: Shader Acting Different in Build (possible bug?)

Postby Amplify_Borba » Wed Mar 21, 2018 5:43 pm

Hello, thank you for getting in touch!

We've been unable to replicate this issue, could you share a project sample with us with the issue present so that we may debug it on our side?

Feel free to send it through [email protected], thanks!
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Re: Shader Acting Different in Build (possible bug?)

Postby dallasglowka » Wed Mar 21, 2018 6:49 pm

Fixing the scaling of the model finally solved the problem. I re-exported the model bigger (instead of scaling it in Unity like it had been done previously). Still kind of weird that the editor had no problem but builds did. Anyways, problem is solved for now. Thanks!
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Re: Shader Acting Different in Build (possible bug?)

Postby Amplify_Borba » Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:56 am

Thank you for reporting back, glad to know it was not an ASE related issue after all!

Please don't hesitate to get back in touch if you have any further questions, thanks!
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