Transparent cutout : fully opaque during lighting bake

Node-based Shader Editor

Transparent cutout : fully opaque during lighting bake

Postby Rob » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:01 pm


I am very happy of the tool. But I have some baking problems.

When I bake a standard cutout unity shader, it gives me the good results on the shadow. But with my settings on Amplify shader, it doesn't.

Here the results :


And here my settings :


Thank you for your help.
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Re: Transparent cutout : fully opaque during lighting bake

Postby Amplify_Borba » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:54 pm

Hello Rob,

Thank you for your support and kind words, and welcome to our community!

Could you confirm if you are running the latest ASE version, v1.3.4.001 – 24th October 2017, available through our website?

Have you tried changing the "Mask Clip Value", and does it have any visible effect?

If the above does not help at all with the issue, would it be possible for you to send us a sample with the issue present so we can debug it on our side?

Looking forward to your reply!
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