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Fill in Opacity cutoff

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:45 am
by rcazzy

I'm attempting to make a simple shader whereby an object has a filling effect using an alpha cutoff. What I'm looking to do is to fill in the "top" of the alpha cutoff within the object as it goes up and down, avoiding the transparent back faces.

I've attached a gif of the shader and a shot of the node setup. I've turned Cull Mode to Off for the moment which works as the object is emissive making the missing faces not noticeable, however, I'm just wondering is there a method to do so as mentioned above?

Thanks for your help.

shader_cap.JPG (119.68 KiB) Viewed 2174 times

Re: Fill in Opacity cutoff

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 4:54 pm
by Amplify_Borba
Hello, thank you for your support!

I'm afraid I did not fully understand the specific effect you're hoping to create, but would it possibly be something along the lines of our SimplePotionLiquid sample?

If not, could you share a screenshot/gif/movie of anything resembling the intended effect, or further elaborate in the description? Thanks!