Scriptable Rendering Pipeline - LW + HD

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Scriptable Rendering Pipeline - LW + HD

Postby Ricardo Teixeira » Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:48 pm


Hello everyone!

We're happy to announce that we recently added support for the Unity HD and Lightweight Rendering Pipeline to Amplify Shader Editor. This is part of our long term development plan as we aim to provide a reliable future proof-solution for advanced shader creation in Unity. Not only can you now create HD compatible shaders they can also convert existing shaders with ease, effortlessly bringing them to the latest Unity Rendering Standard.

Converting existing ASE content to the new HD Rendering Pipeline is only a few clicks away.


We include a few sample shaders to get you started:
    * HD Subsurface Scattering + Transmission
    * HD Iridescent
    * HD Anisotropy
    * HD Metallic
    * HD Specular
    * LW Lit/Unlit


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Ricardo Teixeira
Posts: 954
Joined: Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:26 pm

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