I purchased your SSAO solution yesterday, it looks great in the test scene
There does however seem to be a slight issue with it, in that the SSAO contribution from objects closer to the camera seems to overwrite that of objects further away.
Here's 3 snips of screenshots which show what I mean, in these screenshots, the object is moved parallel to the camera plane from left to right so that it occludes the ssao darkened area in the corner of the room.
This shows the ssao in the corner of the room before the object moves in front
First noticeable "anti artefact" - ssao darkening on wall to right of corner (in the magenta box) is 'erased' (or at least significantly lightened) as the object is approaches a point where it will occlude the ssao darkened area
Second "anti artefact" - ssao darkening in the corner visible immediately above the object is 'erased'
The distance at which this 'erasure' effect as shown in the second image starts to occur seem to be directly proportional to the 'Radius' parameter on the inspector UI, and it looks to be as if the SSAO calculations from the object closer to the camera (but not close enough to anything to cause SSAO darkening) might be overwriting the SSAO darkening in the corner behind it.
This might be deliberate but it appears to me to be incorrect & might easily have escaped your notice, especially as there is nothing moving about in the demo scene