Amplify shader editor won't open anymore

Node-based Shader Editor

Amplify shader editor won't open anymore

Postby swizzerSweet » Mon May 21, 2018 8:22 pm

I was using Amplify shader editor in Unity, and everything was working fine. I returned the following day to open my project, but when I click on "open shader editor" in Unity3D, I see some loading on my cursor, but nothing ever pops up.

The editor works in another sample project I create with amplify shader, but not my main project.

I tried going back in history in my project, clearing the GI cache, deleting and re-important the Library folder, reimporting the Amplify shader folder, resetting my window layouts, but nothing seems to work.

What else can I possibly reset or change to fix this issue? :?:
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Joined: Mon May 21, 2018 8:02 pm

Re: Amplify shader editor won't open anymore

Postby swizzerSweet » Mon May 21, 2018 10:20 pm

Figured it out:

My problem may be related with windows 10 and DPI scaling on my surface book 2 15". I have an external monitor connected with lower DPI ("standard dpi, if you will"). The shader editor window gets lost, and will not show up in alt+tab, or windows key + tab. I am uncertain if this issue belongs to the Amplify team, Microsoft, or Unity, or some combination. I have seen bad DPI scaling issues, none as bad as losing a window entirely.

Solution: disconnect and reconnect external monitor

Steps to repro (on my laptop):

Dock the amplify editor on the high DPI screen, and go window -> Layouts -> Default. Now your window is gone until you disconnect and reconnect the external monitor.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon May 21, 2018 8:02 pm

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