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Contribute: Open Sibling(=use same template) Shaders

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 1:52 pm
by sunrice
I suggest a new feature for template.

When I update template file, I need to update shaders that use template.

so, I add to "Open Sibling Shaders" button.
It find template used shaders and open shader.

and I click update button and test other shaders.

Downlad URL: ... X2hfHQuNhw

P.S I don't know why I can't submit on Contribute page. (I use chrome...TT)

Re: Contribute: Open Sibling(=use same template) Shaders

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2018 2:56 pm
by Amplify_Borba
Hey there!

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to ASE, and apologies for the issue with the contribution page!

I've passed your script along to the developers, they'll be sure to look into it as soon as possible, thanks!