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Panning direction and tiling

PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:28 pm
by _george_
Hi there,
I'm trying to make a shader that will pan a texture over a mesh that's shaped a bit like a frisbee. The problem I have is that the texture isn't tiling, and it's moving outwards from the centre of the mesh, rather than moving across. I have the texture wrap mode set to repeat, and if I apply the shader to a plane, it works fine. So I deduce this isn't working because of the curve of the mesh. Can anyone explain how I need to change the shader to make it work on a curved shape?
I tried to add an image but it says the board quota has been reached.
Thanks for your help :)

Re: Panning direction and tiling

PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 7:04 pm
by _george_
Okay, I figured this out - it's the way the mesh was unwrapped. I opened it up in Blender and the texture was conforming to the seams in the mesh, so I did a new unwrap to get rid of those seams and it pans nicely now. You can ignore my question. Hope this helps someone else!