Refraction in LWRP

Node-based Shader Editor

Refraction in LWRP

Postby TheoKain » Fri Nov 09, 2018 4:39 pm

Hi, is it possible to create refraction effect for a semi-transparent shader in LWRP? For example, looking through a glass of water light would refract in the water distorting the pixels behind it. Is there any way to fake this in LWRP and Amplify?

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Re: Refraction in LWRP

Postby Amplify_Borba » Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:23 pm

Hello, you should be able to create a refraction effect on v1.5.8r01+, but you'll have to set it up manually since we don't offer the port in the master node as in the Standard Surface shaders.

You can use our Grab Screen Color node to access the new _CameraOpaqueTexture, which must be requested on the pipeline asset by toggling ON the Opaque Texture option over its General foldout.

Do note that this is only supported on SRP 4.0.0+, however, we're releasing an update tomorrow that adds support for SRP 2.0.0+.

Please let me know if this helps or if you come across any issues.
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