Custom Lighting shadow side + Add

Node-based Shader Editor

Custom Lighting shadow side + Add

Postby Ozhogi » Thu Oct 18, 2018 6:31 pm

Hello Amplify-team!:)

Trying to explore with Custom Lighting I needed to lighten the shadow side. In the preview-node displays everything as it should, and on the stage it lightens the whole model
I have a shader, which I am guided by and its functionality must be repeated using the nodes, but it is difficult for me to understand its principle as text

Maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Without add.jpg
Without add. Right ball with the shadow side as I need
Without add.jpg (224.26 KiB) Viewed 4721 times

With add.jpg
With add
With add.jpg (219.42 KiB) Viewed 4721 times

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Re: Custom Lighting shadow side + Add

Postby Amplify_Borba » Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:25 am

Hello! I'm afraid I'm not entirely understanding the effect you're going for, do you want the slider to only affect the shadowed area?

The Add node is working as expected in the way it's set up, and it should also be noted that the previews just a reference of the data that is processed and outputs from each node, it might not reflect the final result of the shader itself since other parameters might be taken into account.

I've also noticed that you've also changed the node network without compiling the shader, if you don't compile the shader after editing it, most changes won't be seen in the scene and game views, despite of what might be show in the preview.

Could you share the reference shader so I can examine how it behaves since it wasn't apparent from the images nor video?
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Re: Custom Lighting shadow side + Add

Postby Ozhogi » Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:57 am

Last edited by Ozhogi on Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Custom Lighting shadow side + Add

Postby Amplify_Borba » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:31 am

Upon testing your shader and the reference shader, the results seem to be pretty similar:


Are you using the latest ASE version from our website?

I'm also sending the test scene and materials used in the gif shared above:
(13.97 KiB) Downloaded 259 times

The Brightness Correction sliders on both materials seem to only affect the shadow area and effectively brighten it up, is this the expected behavior?
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Re: Custom Lighting shadow side + Add

Postby Ozhogi » Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:05 pm

Hello Borba

Your test is not entirely correct.
1. You use white color, that is, to check the functioning of the Add node this does not work out that way, I have a problem with it
2. I found that it was mixed in with white: it seemed to separate the light from the point light and the directional light. I understand that I have to experiment with WorldSpaceLightPos, but I don’t understand how. I saw a thread on the forum about this division, but there it was the color of the shadows and it didn’t fit me
If you add a plane to the scene, you will see the problem

Amplify version.jpg
Amplify shader editor version
Amplify version.jpg (108.71 KiB) Viewed 4651 times

Brigthness correction in use.jpg
Brightness correction in use
Brigthness correction in use.jpg (54.6 KiB) Viewed 4651 times
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Re: Custom Lighting shadow side + Add

Postby Ozhogi » Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:37 pm

Ricardo Teixeira wrote:
qw_zzz wrote:nope... im just hoping if someone else could help me with the conversion?

Apologies but this forum is aimed mostly at technical support, I don't think you'll get many answers here from other users.

I recommend posting on the official shader section of the unity forum.

yeah You reminded me that your thread is on that forum. I understand that this is not a technical problem, I just stupid lol
I will try to ask, suddenly someone will prompt the decision
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Re: Custom Lighting shadow side + Add

Postby Amplify_Borba » Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:58 pm

Ozhogi wrote:
Ricardo Teixeira wrote:
qw_zzz wrote:nope... im just hoping if someone else could help me with the conversion?

Apologies but this forum is aimed mostly at technical support, I don't think you'll get many answers here from other users.

I recommend posting on the official shader section of the unity forum.

yeah You reminded me that your thread is on that forum. I understand that this is not a technical problem, I just stupid lol
I will try to ask, suddenly someone will prompt the decision

I'm not entirely sure on what to suggest since, unfortunately, the issues you're facing are related to shader conversion, which is beyond the scope of our support as we don't have the resources to be able to provide this type of assistance due to our limited team size. Asking for help in the Unity Shader Forum might be your best bet since the community is pretty active.

We apologize for the inconvenience and are at your disposal to help you solve any ASE related issues you might come across, thank you for understanding.
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